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Nutrition and diet play a vital role in your overall health. Chronic health problems such as autoimmune disease, diabetes, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome and gastrointestinal inflammation are impacted by what you eat. If you are dealing with hormonal imbalances or you are experiencing post-menopausal changes, or even if you have an acute problem like a sports injury, assessing and adjusting your dietary habits is critical. Not only does what you eat have a major impact on your healing process, but it is also important to consider how your diet and eating habits may be contributing to your symptoms in the first place.  


Incorporating evidence-based dietary changes that are relevant to your particular health and lifestyle is part of a holistic approach to healing and disease prevention. A detailed analysis of your unique circumstances including health history, lab results, lifestyle, and food preferences combined with a personalized plan from an experienced clinician will ultimately yield results that will improve your health.


While an initial assessment includes an extensive plan and email support, meeting again to evaluate progress, discuss setbacks and set new goals can be helpful in achieving long-term success. It’s important to have a realistic approach in establishing eating habits that will last, thus it is often necessary to work on a few things at a time and build on goals as needed.


Follow Up sessions are typically 45 minutes and are recommended to take place 4-6 weeks after an initial consult (these can be in person, phone  or virtual sessions).  


The need for a follow-up will be evaluated on and individual basis.


Often the best way to incorporate dietary changes is through a practical, hands-on approach.  The average grocery store has more than 45,000 different foods to choose from (the majority of them being unhealthy!).  This can be confusing and overwhelming even when you have the best of intentions. Walking through the grocery store you frequent with me will help equip you with knowledge and strategies for choosing foods that are compatible with your personalized plan. Grocery store tours are priced according to location. 


Follow Up sessions are typically 45 minutes and are recommended to take place 4-6 weeks after an initial consult (these can be in person, phone  or virtual sessions).  


The need for a follow-up will be evaluated on and individual basis.


A short blurb about how most of your clients have the same questions and how this is an opportunity for them to find answers to some of the questions they might have as well.

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